We had told the kids that we would go to Chuck-a-Rama for Thanksgiving dinner. However, when we pulled up and saw the line of people going clear out in the parking lot, we decided that we didn't want to wait for two hours only to have to battle the crowds again once we got inside. The kids were sorely disappointed that they didn't get to eat at their favorite restaurant in the entire world, but it just wasn't worth it.
Caroline and Lance are great little buddies. They are almost a year and a half apart, but they love to play together, and they have the funniest conversations. I love listening to them.
We had such a fun time with all of you and can't wait to see you again in a couple of weeks, we feel so lucky...3 times in a 6 week period!
Oh I do love St. George. Looks like a fun trip, but Christmas is totally going to trump it.
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