Saturday, July 3, 2010

We Like Mike!

Rather than heading back to California the day after we returned from the ranch, we decided to stay one more day to support my brother, Michael, in his campaign for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate.  I got a text from my sister-in-law, Sharon, at 10:15 in the morning telling me that there would be people waving signs and news crews at the corner of 106th South and State Street in Sandy at 11:00.  No one was dressed, but luckily I had showered, so I threw some clothes on and did some very quick ponytails, and we got there as quickly as we could.  I am so glad we went; the kids had a blast waving signs with their cousins, and it was fun to see my brother in his element, and to see so many people supporting him. 
Natalie was very happy to be there...
...but Sam, not so much.  He was hot and thirsty and wanted to GO HOME!

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